Thursday, August 20, 2009

geng mahaguru ni

geng ni x ble lawan puya. tony fernandez pun ade

burger presentation

burger for all

FOR THOSE CONCERNED ABOUT EATING RIGHT, burgers have become public enemy No. 1. But while we have to admit that most fast-food burgers deserve their health-pariah status, we hate to think that all burgers are verboten. In fact, we've got nine burgers right here to prove that the all-American meal can actually be good for you. What's more, we've taken the idea of the burger beyond the usual all-beef patty, two pickles, lettuce, special sauce sort of sandwich. The burgers here are built on everything from salmon to tofu to lean pork tenderloin, which not only makes them healthier but, tastewise, puts them a cut above the usual drive-thru special. Kiss greasy burgers goodbye. we're betting you won't even miss your old fast-food favorite.


yang ni lahir dari hasil Inspirasi aku yang hadir pada malam sebelum tu.